The Game Is On


Surprised as I was on New Year’s Day to find that there was a brand spanking new episode of Sherlock, it was nothing compared to the shock I experienced at the astonishing moment which rocked the initial episode of Series 4.

To sum up my feelings on the twist, I would say I felt it out of place and all a bit too sudden.

The rest of Sherlock was intriguing as always. The first main case of the show sees Mr Holmes manage to solve the mystery of how a young man has died whilst seemingly having been in two places at once.

How the following case is interlinked with the first one did seem a tad far fetched. Then I had to remind myself that I was watching Sherlock.

The remainder of the episode plays out with all one would expect; an outsmarting Sherlock, turbulence with Watson and further revelations from Mary’s past.

The Game is most certainly on.